Year 2017
October 2017

The 20th International Congress of Maritime Arbitrators (ICMA)


ICMA XX, Copenhagen 2017

The 20th International Congress of Maritime Arbitrators, was held in Copenhagen from 25th to 29th September 2017. The organisers were the Danish Institute of Arbitration.

The Singapore Maritime Arbitrators Association (“SMAA”) was represented by our Hon. Secretary, Hakirat Singh, who reports that ICMA, Copenhagen had some 250 delegates attending from 35 countries. The list of delegates had 214 entries, as some delegates had indicated to organisers that their names were not to be circulated.

It will be recalled that SMAA’s Past President, C. Arul, had successfully bid for Singapore to host ICMA XVI in 2006 and SMAA has had at least one representative attend every ICMA since, Namely, Hamburg, Vancouver and more recently, Hong Kong. Thus, Hakirat Singh’s attendance at ICMA Copenhagen was a continuance of SMAA’s ongoing involvement in this prominent maritime arbitral congress held every two to three years.

One of the highlights at every ICMA is the Cedric Barclay Lecture, a tribute to the man who spearheaded the first ICMA held in Moscow in 1972. At ICMA Copenhagen this lecture was delivered by the renowned Bruce Harris, whose speech can be viewed using the following link: LINKCommencement of ICMA XX, Copenhagen: Welcome notes and Cedric Barclay Lecture

A book compiling all Cedrick Barclay Memorial Lectures was also made available to ICMA delegates; this includes the lecture delivered by Bruce Harris at ICMA Copenhagen.

Additional ICMA XX highlights included the Mayor of Copenhagen’s welcome reception for delegates; all within the grand architecture of Copenhagen’s City Hall building (see photo below). This was followed by a serving of ‘City Hall’s pancakes’ and drinks; compliments of the city of Copenhagen.


Singapore’s growing share in maritime arbitration was acknowledged in a number of discussions involving established international arbitrators based in London and New York. Acknowledgement of the importance that BIMCO standard form contracts play in maritime business and Singapore’s inclusion as one of three expressed seats of arbitration for selection by parties using BIMCO standard forms was also acknowledged by delegates.

In fact, BIMCO had also graciously hosted the delegates to a reception at their newly renovated offices in the suburbs of Copenhagen. BIMCO’s reception was held during the evening of 26th September 2017 and delegates were treated to a sumptuous spread of Danish delicacies, a display of antique art works and documents. All amidst the scent of freshly kilned timber recently installed for the floors at BIMCO’s offices

In terms of the number of delegates from Singapore, a total of 7 delegates had registered as being from Singapore. In contrast with 48 delegates from the United Kingdom (who made up the largest contingent from any one country) and 15 from the United States of America, it appears that the number of arbitrators from Singapore was on the low side compared to ICMA Hong Kong and Vancouver.

On the final day of the conference the four-member Steering Committee had to decide on the next city to host ICMA XXI. Bids were received from Kuala Lumpur (KLRCA) , Dubai (EMAC) and Rio de Janeiro. As the Steering Committee were unable to reach a decision on the three cities that put in a bid for the next ICMA, it was then left to a popular vote amongst the attendees present. The result was Rio de Janeiro by popular demand; to be held on dates to be decided.

Singapore based maritime arbitrators and arbitral institutions need to be seen to be ‘out there’ and engaged with their fellow arbitration practitioners across the globe. More importantly developing or promoting a seat of arbitration should include discourse at an international level so the global players using maritime arbitration services can feel confident that Singapore arbitrators are keeping abreast of the latest issues and developments as well as engaging, providing and receiving support within the fraternity. Perhaps with the right support the next ICMA to be held in Rio de Janeiro will see an improved number of Singapore arbitrators and arbitration practitioners in attendance to better reflect the growing prominence Singapore plays as Asia’s seat of maritime arbitration.

SMAA takes this opportunity to applaud the well planned and organised ICMA XX by the Danish Institute of Arbitration, the ICMA Steering Committee and the Topics & Agenda Committee.

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